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Free Course In Durham | Gain 6 Bespoke Qualifications Free

Picture of JACK GRANT

Founder and Co-owner

Free Course In Durham. Following on from our successful last free course in Durham, which was ran at Consett AFC, SMARTT are delighted to announce the dates for our second free course which is part of the DurhamWorks programme.

Within this project; inclusive learning, negotiation with learners, communication and basic functional skills are imperative to ensure that the learners we work with feel included and part of culture and society and not held back by their perceived and actual barriers to learning.

We recognise that promoting and embedding equality and diversity should be standard practice not just good practice within teaching and learning.  With SMARTT equality and diversity is fully embed within our organisation. Free Course In Durham

SMARTT delivery staff are confident in challenging prejudices, discrimination and stereotyping within the classroom.  We ensure that language used during delivery is appropriate and non-discriminatory.

What qualifications can I get for free?

We are offering learners the opportunity to gain 6 bespoke qualifications in the following;

  • Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
  • Level 2 Food Safety for Catering (RQF)
  • Level 2 Personal Licence Holders (RQF)
  • Level 2 Conflict Management (RQF)
  • Level 2 Principles of Fire Safety (RQF)
  • Level 2 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (RQF)

Free Course In Durham – Can I do an access course for free?

SMARTT are running a 12-day free course in Durham for anyone aged between 16-24 years old, also individuals must live within a Co Durham postcode and must be currently unemployed, not in education or any other training, such as college.

Our programmes will help widen participation and address barriers to learning amongst the harder to reach groups. Our provision will specifically help improve confidence and increase learners’ willingness to engage in learning. We will give learners the tools and skills to help prepare them for further training, employment or self-employment and offer them the opportunity to develop relevant appropriate skills.

Participants will receive on-going Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) throughout their time on the programme. This will ensure that our added support and provision will continue to adapt to the learners changing circumstances. For example, as they learn more about employment opportunities or if their self-confidence grows their aims and objectives may change.

How long does the Free Course In Durham take?

Our free course will run over a 12 day period – currently (subject to government COVID-19 guidelines) we are planning 4 days (Monday-Thursday) 10am to 3pm over 3 weeks.

Start 19th-22nd October – Monday-Thursday

26th-29 October – Monday-Thursday

2nd-5th November – Monday-Thursday

At the end of the provision we will conduct an exit interview and provide further assistance on progression routes if not already identified, even if they are in further learning or employment we have fully trained staff in IAG available to all learners, ensuring they have continued access to impartial IAG further supporting them in making realistic and informed decisions about learning and work.

We will help learners to develop a set of competency-based statements that can be used in a CV, to access further training or in job applications.

Free Course In Durham

For further information please email us here for more details

Free Course In Durham


