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Free Courses In Durham | Gain 6 Bespoke Qualifications Free

Picture of JACK GRANT

Founder and Co-owner

Free Courses In Durham. Thе aim and оbjесtіvе оf thіѕ routeway is to рrераrе learners fоr employment, in the industry where there is an еlеmеnt оf Food handling, involves the rеtаіl ѕаlе of аlсоhоl and the mandatory regulations to have health and safety training. This could include bar workers, wаіtіng ѕtаff, kіtсhеn роrtеrѕ and stock/store rооm staff. It will prepare learners with a core depth of knowledge and a range of specialist and general skills

Learners will benefit by gaining new skills, experience, IAG and qualifications to help them to improve their lives and future. Attendees will gain self-confidence and become less isolated through the encouragement of participation and involvement. Free Courses In Durham

What qualifications can I get for free?

Successful learners will gain 6 sector skills qualification in the following;

  • Food Safety for Catering (RQF) level 2
  • Personal Licence Holders (RQF) Level 2
  • Conflict Management (RQF) Level 2
  • Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) Level 3
  • Principles of Fire Safety (RQF) Level 2
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (RQF) Level 2

Learners will also achieve positive thinking, practice, training, knowledge and communicate to other people to help improve or boost their confidence levels.

How can I get a free certificate?

If you are currently unemployed, live in Co Durham and are aged between16 and 24 then you can enrol on the Free Courses In Durham. The free courses will be ran over a period of 12 days and at Consett AFC. Dates are to be confirmed, awaiting government and Local Education Authorities guidelines.

Learners will take part in many different activities in both classroom based and outdoor, activities will include;

  • Problem solving,
  • Communication,
  • Working in teams
  • Improve own performance and learning.

We use a variety of teaching methods to ensure learning styles are accommodated including Visual methods, auditory and kinaesthetic. Appropriate and sensitive assessment procedures to support learners and encourage confidence and trust.

How long does the Free Courses In Durham take?

Our course will run over 12 days – at the moment (subject to government guidelines) we are planning 4 days (Monday-Thursday) 10am to 3pm for 3 weeks.

This route-way is unique in itself both as it can purposely be tailored to the individual, for example; we can do different practical for each leaner and they are all accredited courses. We can also offer gender specific course (male or female only) and we believe no other hospitality and catering provision is as unique like ours in North Durham

In addition, we will offer extra sessions and drop-in sessions, whilst on the project or when they finish the project as part of our added value to ensure the learner is supported on their journey.

Free Courses In Durham

The on-site visit to Consett AFC will support individuals to identify the transferable skills they have gained from their experiences and give them first hand practical tasters in order to help them understand the level of their informal learning.

Work placements are embedded to Implement a structured programme of activities ensuring that students are able to get the best out of work experience activities. This is a valuable and essential part of the course and will provide learners the perfect opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge in the real work setting

The invitation of our network of employers during targeted sessions, will allow learners to gain experience to industry specific job interview question and answers. This will be in the form of role play ensuring learners are unwavering and confident while speaking in front of employers in real interview situations.

For further details or more information please contact us here and for free resources please click here

Please see our range of eLearning course HERE


Free Courses In Durham

Free Courses In Durham






