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Free First Aid Courses

Picture of JACK GRANT

Founder and Co-owner

Free First Aid Course and others for unemployed age 19 or over living in County Durham

Venues: Tommy Armstrong Centre – Stanley or Glenroyd House

All course Start at 9.30, sorry we do not provide lunch or travel expensesFree First Aid Courses

Monday 7th July

Customer Services – Stanley

Tuesday 8th July

Food Safety – Stanley

Wednesday 9th July

Customer Services – Consett

Fire Safety – Stanley

Friday 11th

First Aid – Stanley

Health & Safety – Stanley

Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th July (2 day course) Conflict Management – Stanley

Thursday 17th July

Fire Safety – Stanley

Friday 18th July

Manual Handling – Stanley

Email… …call/text 07970383747 or 07501095980

Free First Aid Courses

Level 2 Award Emergency 1st Aid

The learner will know the roles and responsibilities of the Emergency First Aider, assessing an incident, recognising signs and symptoms of injury and illness and assisting a casualty who is suffering from injury and illness. This qualification is valid for a period of 3 years.

Level 2 Award in Food Safety

Learners will gain a firm grasp of the importance of food safety and knowledge of the systems, techniques and procedures involved. Furthermore, they will have the confidence and expertise to deliver quality food safely to customers

Level 2 Award Manual Handling of Load

Learners will gain knowledge and skills in:

• The reasons for safe moving and handling
• The importance of risk assessment
• The principles of safe manual handling
• The safe application of manual handling skills

Level 2 Award Health & Safety

Achievement of this accredited qualification will enable learners to work safely and to recognise and deal with hazards in the workplace. The aim of the qualification is to provide candidates with knowledge of the basic health and safety practices essential in the workplace. This includes the hazards and risks along with the relevant legislation, and ensures awareness of cost-effective, practical control methods.

Level 2 Award Fire Safety Awareness

They will be able to carry out fire safety risk assessments, implement appropriate fire precautionary and protection measures and to maintain a fire management plan. Learners involved with fire safety will receive all the required information and training to deal with fire safety issues.

Level 2 Award Customer Services

The learners will improve their knowledge of the importance of customer service including how to satisfy customers’ expectations. The learners will be able deal with customers on a daily basis as part of their job role in a variety of work environments.

Level 2 Award Conflict Management

Learners will gain knowledge and skills in:

• Communicate to solve problems and reduce the potential for conflict
• Identify the factors that influence human responses in conflict situations
• Assess and reduce risks in conflict situations
• Communicate effectively and de-escalate conflict in emotive situations
• Use good practice after conflict situations

Contact us to book our Free First Aid Courses and please watch the video to access some free first aid resources


2 responses

  1. Hi I’m looking for cheap first aid course for 3 volunteer committee members of the North Eastern staffordshire bull terrier club who attend our dog shows please

    1. Hi Michael, thanks for the comment. Can you please just confirm the exact location you would like the course delivered?


