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Functional Skills In Maths And English


Functional Skills is a suite of qualifications suitable for individuals to develop their English, mathematics or ICT skills in order to succeed in all aspects of life, work and other learning. They replaced the Key Skills Level 1 and 2 qualifications in September 2012. Available from Entry Level through to Level 2, the qualifications cover everything from the very basics to more advanced skills.

Functional skills qualifications are now integral in:
• GCSEs – in English, Mathematics and ICT and are included in key stage 3 and key stage 4 study programmes.
• Diplomas
• Foundation Learning
• A mandatory component in all apprenticeship frameworks – (click here to find out more)

Functional Skills are also available as stand-alone qualifications.

PLEASE NOTE; some questions are outdated in relation to the new 2019 reformed Functional Skills

Our Functional Skills are supported by a variety of assessment options depending on the specific qualification taken and they bring real life scenarios with integrated interactive activities that allow and encourage learners to apply their in different contexts and situations. The assessments are available through a variety of awarding organisations.

This ensures that the assessments are sufficiently flexible to meet the needs of a wide range of sectors including schools, colleges and organisations offering apprenticeships. Although the delivery of maths and English should be embedded into all curricula by using contextualised teaching materials, the assessments at Level 1 and level 2 will be neither embedded nor contextualised and will be graded as PASS/FAIL via a test.


  • Level’s 1 and 2 assessments should be externally assessed and moderated, and carried out in exam conditions at the school or centre. English Speaking and Listening components will be internally assessed but externally moderated. In Maths assessments, candidates at all levels are allowed the use of a calculator. ICT assessments will require use of a computer with internet access.

  • Speaking, listening and communicating

    Level 1 – Taking full part in formal and informal discussions that include unfamiliar topics
    Level 2 – Make a range of contributions to discussions in a range of contexts,
    including those that are unfamiliar, and make effective presentations


    Level 1 – Reading and understanding a range of straightforward tasks
    Level 2 – Select, read, understand and compare texts and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions.


    Level 1 – Write a range of texts to communicate information, ideas and opinions, using formats and styles suitable for their purpose and audience.
    Level 2 – Write a range of texts, including extended written documents, ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively

    Weaker students need to address specific areas that would help them gain additional marks in certain key areas, to give the student this advantage, our free functional skills English diagnostics assessment sheet will assist you doing this –  please click here to watch how to download your free diagnostics assessment

  • Functional Skills Maths aims to ensure that each individual has a sufficient understanding of a range of mathematical concepts and is able to know how and when to use them. In a practical context, this means learners will develop the confidence and capability to:
    • solve problems
    • process calculations
    • interpret and explaining situations

    All within the following contexts of Functional Skills Maths: work and education, community, citizenship and environment, media and communication, and family, home and social issue.

    Learners at functional skills maths will:
    • Select the mathematics and information to model a situation
    • Process the information using mathematics
    • Interpret and communicate the results of the analysis

    Weaker students need to address specific areas that would help them gain additional marks in certain key areas, to give the student this advantage, our free functional skills maths diagnostics assessment sheet will assist you doing this

    • Functional Skills ICT assessments will consist of tasks demanding independent use of all forms of ICT; problem solving, research and interpretation

      At SMARTT, our Functional Skills provide help and support for young people to develop their skills and experience that employers are looking for in apprenticeships, work preparation or sustainable employment.

Our staff are available to assist or deliver Functional Skills on a sessional basis please contact us for further information

Functional Skills are currently only available within the UK – Scotland has an alternative skills programme – Core Skills (Scotland) and Wales – Essential Skills.

Please click here to watch how to download your free Functional Skills Diagnostic Assessments in Maths and English

Functional Skills

“SMARTT have brought more than a qualification to the Academy. The value they add to student learning and motivation cannot be underestimated. 100% attendance and 100% pass rate”.

          Sue Collings Strategic Director Academy 360, Sunderland

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